Chubby cat, Tora. Grooming on a bed of grass!

Everyday-Life / 日常生活


今日(2023/3/9)は東京は20度超え。もうじき桜も開花します。気持ちい朝、出かける時、トラが日向ぼっこしてました。トラは飼い猫です。ポッチャリなので首輪が見えませんが、、、ご覧の通りの巨猫です。堂々たるお腹です。中年オヤジのようにメタボ体型です。失礼。良く見るとオヤジではなくおばさんでした。 😓

Today (2023/3/9), it is over 20 degrees Celsius in Tokyo. The cherry blossoms will soon be in full bloom. When I went out on a pleasant morning, Tora was basking in the sun. Tora is a pet cat. He is so chubby that you can’t see his collar. As you can see, he is a huge cat. He has an imposing belly. He has a metabolic syndrome like a middle-aged man. I am sorry. If you look closely, you will see that she is not an old man but an old lady. 😓


In addition,these yellow stripes are called tiger(Tora) in Japan because they resemble tigers. It’s her name. It is the same name as the “Tora” in the anime “Ushio & Tora”.

Ushio and Tora
